Pink Guy: Jump Adventure is a platformer/shooter game where the goal of the player is to climb up as high as possible while defeating the enemies. The game aims to have a light  and experience, with pixel art graphics and easy to use controls.


A/D -> Move

W/Space -> Jump

LMB -> Shoot

R -> Reload

Please if you have any considerations about the game leave a comment or answer this following google form. Any feedback to improve is welcome.

Portuguese - Brazil form:
English form:

Credits to:

- World assets - Retro Lines - VEXED

- Enemies - Retro Lines - VEXED

- Player - Retro Lines - VEXED

- UI/HUD elements - Bit Bonanza - VEXED

- UI Controllers - 1-bit keyboard/gamepad button icons - ansdor

Updated 15 days ago
Published 18 days ago
StatusIn development
GenrePlatformer, Shooter
Made withGodot, Aseprite
TagsArcade, Pixel Art
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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Played it for a while and had fun. Good choice for music and graphic elements seem to work in synergy. I would work a bit on the HUD - the character stays on the bottom of the screen, and the number of shots stays with other info on the top of the screen. I would keep important information close to where the player eyes would be - close to the character.

Good luck with the game!

I totally agree with you, I'm thinking about displaying the current ammo near to the health bar. I think it will be better maybe (?). Probably in the next update I'll put this as a spacial HUD as the health bar.